Payment reference (Mandatory for some a/c types)

This Payment Reference field must be quoted correctly when transferring funds. If you do not key your Payment Reference correctly, or enter invalid characters, the institution to which we transfer your payment may not be able to apply it, the payment could be returned and you may be charged fees or interest by the payee.

The following are examples of accounts where Payment References are required:

Transfers to a Credit Card in another bank

You must input your 16 digit credit card number (without spaces) in the Payment Reference field.

Transfers to Building Society Accounts

If your Building Society Account has a Roll Number or other Reference Number, you must input this number in the Payment Reference field.

Transfers to Utility Companies

Transfers to your telephone, gas or electricity company (examples only) require your customer Reference Number so that they can credit the funds to your account. You must input this reference in the Payment Reference field.

Characters allowed in the Reference field

Not all characters are valid for use in a reference for another financial institution.

The following are allowed: The following are not allowed:
A to Z (uppercase)
a to z (lowercase)
0 to 9 (numerical)
/ (forward slash)
- (minus sign)
? (question mark)
: (colon)
( (left parenthesis)
) (rightparenthesis)
. (point)
, (comma)
’ (right single quote)
+ (plus sign)
# (hash)
= (equals)
! (exclamation mark)
” (right double quote)
% (percentage)
& (ampersand)
* (asterisk)
< (less than
> (greater than)
; (semi colon)
{ (left curly bracket)
@ (commercial at)
CrLf (carriage return line feed)