Error occurred while
effecting payment
Error occurred while effecting payment

An error occurred while you were effecting your payment transaction.

The error may be caused by

  • online payments' queuing up
  • temporary system disturbances.

To avoid creating a duplicate payment transaction, please wait five minutes before checking whether your payment is posted in your account movements. Your payment transaction has been effected if it appears in your statement.

If the transaction does not appear in your account movements after five minutes, you have to create it again.

If you continue to have problems in effecting your payments online, please contact Customer support.

Danske Bank A/S, Holmens Kanal 2-12, 1092 København K. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail:, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
Telefonsamtaler kan blive optaget og gemt til brug for dokumentation og sikkerhed.

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Klageansvarlig afdeling: Danske Bank, Juridisk Afdeling, Holmens Kanal 2-12, 1092 København K
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